NeurOptimal® brain training works as a ‘detection and monitoring’ system of the changes in cortical patterns within the brain.  It mimics the communication of your  Central Nervous System (CNS) by ‘mirroring’ the brain activity that can be undermining optimal brain function.


You can think of NeurOptimal® training as holding up a mirror to your brain. Imagine that you had not seen yourself in a mirror in a very long time. Upon seeing your reflection you naturally start adjusting yourself: Maybe you are standing a little taller, or you might straightening up your hair, and so on. The mirror provides the information you need to correct and adjust yourself. And the same happens with the brain, too.

Our brain has an inbuilt ability to self-correct if given the right information. NeurOptimal® is designed to provide your brain with the information it needs to make its own adjustments and corrections. Abrupt changes or inconsistent electrical activity in the brain, undermine its optimal functioning. NeurOptimal® detects these abrupt changes and delivers this information to the brain, through interruptions in the sound you are listening to. These almost imperceptible pauses (they sound like ‘scratches’ in an old vinyl record) invite your CNS to reorient away from these less-than-ideal paths. This happens over and over until this natural self-correction becomes habitual and your new normal, and your brain is functioning in a more efficient manner, without any effort on your part and very comfortably. When this happens, you tend to sleep better, to be less stressed, with better focus, and you feel the joy of an easier life, despite the challenges you may face from the outside, like we all do.

The difference between Dynamical NeurFeedback® as used by NeurOptimal® and the traditional linear neurofeedback methods lies in the fact that the latter requires a practitioner with wide experience to diagnose the issues and then to program the parameters with which these traditional neurofeedback models operate. If the practitioner doesn’t get it right, the linear method may actually worsen the condition you are suffering from. This doesn’t happen with NeurOptimal®, as the expert is built into the software. NeurOptimal® only presents the brain with information and lets it decide on its own what it is going to do with it. Linear neurofeedback systems constrain the brain to train in a very specified and narrow manner that may not be optimal in this particular case.

Changes can often been noticed after only one session. But if you already are functioning on a very high level, it may take a number of sessions until you consciously notice any improvements. It took me personally about 15 sessions to achieve that – but suddenly the changes were very obvious. In my case the outstanding impression was one of increased resilience, or to put it in another way: Unplanned or difficult things that were happening in my life had a much lesser impact on myself – I was able to accept and deal with these issues in a much more calm and evenhanded way.

This approach to training is unique to NeurOptimal®. Training with NeurOptimal® allows your brain — and you — to become more flexible, more resilient. And a Better Brain means a Better Life.


“I find it amazing when a client comes in after one session and they can see the results in a very clear way. One of my clients referred to it as subtle, but noticed a distinct change in her stress and reactivity to negative situations”

NeurOptimal Trainer