I am a medical doctor working as an anaesthetist in the hospital system. I have always been interested in alternative healing pathways, as modern medicine is very good at fixing acute problems, but not so good at managing chronic diseases. So in the past I have trained in Reiki (I am a Reiki master), in clinical hypnosis (Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy ASH) and other alternative treatment modalities like diet, percutaneous hydrotomy and specific types of physical training.

I have also always been fascinated by the interaction of body and mind. So a few years ago I trained as a neurofeedback practitioner. However the linear neurofeedback was not very satisfactory for me, as for a considerable time it is more of an experiment than a treatment – until the practitioner has developed enough experience to apply the appropriate protocols to the different patients and different issues they face. Until I discovered NeurOptimal (NO), which has revolutionized the neurofeedback/ brain training arena.

NO is a dynamic neurofeedback modality, which doesn’t force the brain to change in a direction laid out by the practitioner. It simply delivers (audible) cues to the brain and alerts it to a changing state – and it lets the brain decided itself, if it deems a change of that state is necessary or not.

I personally have done over 200 sessions over the last 2 years and have found that my resilience to everyday occurrences has improved a lot. In the future I am planning to offer other services, as described earlier.

Happy training!
