NeurOptimal® is an advanced neuro-technology that is training your brain, enabling it to function at its optimal level. It’s designed to communicate in a mathematical fashion directly with your central nervous system (CNS) and has been described as “the most effective bio-hack on this planet”. Hype aside however, NeurOptimal® has been used by people all over the world for well over THREE MILLION HOURS. It has done so in a safe and effective manner, and it is celebrating its seventeenth year!

It doesn’t matter where your starting point or your goal is — EVERY brain can become more efficient and work in a more optimal way. And training is absolutely effortless. You can relax, close your eyes, read or even zone out if you want. And if you don’t want to relax, that’s fine too! Very simple to learn and to operate, all the expertise has been built right into it. No special qualifications or skills are needed to use the NeurOptimal® program.

The NeurOptimal system is available now for $1,000 $800 per month with unlimited sessions.

If you have any queries about how to use it or would like more information feel free to contact me.

What is NeurOptimal?

NeurOptimal® was developed by Clinical Psychologists Drs. Valdeane and Susan Brown, the Founders of the Zengar Institute Inc. It utilizes an original Dynamical Neurofeedback® algorithm developed by them, which is propriatory to NeurOptimal®. This dynamic form of neurofeedback (as opposed to the more widely know static form) is not a medical treatment, but instead is a TRAINING for the brain. It does not require any diagnosis, but rather it offers micro-second by micro-second information to your brain that it can utilize to RE-ORGANIZE ITSELF. And when your brain does that, many complaints fade away. You feel calmer, clearer, happier, more focused and energetic, and are able to function better in your everyday life. Or to put it another way – it builds up your resilience against stressors and disruptions that are normal in anyone’s life.

NeurOptimal® is used by organizations, professionals in their practices and businesses, and can also easily used by families at home. Together, we form a close-knit community that spans almost every continents. Furthermore, Zengar is committed to offering every user outstanding support, as well as an on-going investment in Research and Development to improve NeurOptimal® further and carry its users into the future.

How Does it Work?

The brain reacts to ‘information’ both in a conscious and a nonconscious way – typically without any assistance and often without any awareness. We have the ability to process complex tasks, and this typically determines how efficiently our CVS functions as a self-organizing dynamical and transformational system. Most tasks like breathing, eating and digestion are performed without any focus or awareness! Once we have learned such a task (like reading, writing, riding a bike and even driving) we rarely think consciously about how we do it anymore.

We also have the ability to move from one task to another in a seamless, flexible and resilient manner. Optimal functioning is characterized by our ability to constantly make decisions and respond without concern to situations presented to our brains on a continual basis.

Neurofeedback gives you an opportunity to receive operational ‘information’ (feedback) and your brain will learn from this information. NeurOptimal® is a specialized and advanced form of feedback that gives information back to your brain about the activity of the brain that is occurring at this particular time. The electrical activity generated by the CNS processes can be detected by sensors placed on the scalp and displayed on a computer monitor in real-time. This is called the Electroencephalograph or EEG. Neurofeedback (NF) has also benefited from recent significant advances in computer technology.

Can Anyone Use NeurOptimal?

NeurOptimal® is very easy to operate and is 100% safe. No educational degree, previous qualification, or specific technical skills in any other discipline is necessary, as the expertise that is required to run NeurOptimal® is built right into the software.

Training is fully automated and responds to the your EEG over two hundred times per second. You simply attach the sensors, start the software and let the system do the training. No diagnosis or interpretation skills of EEG is required. Certification Training can be provided if you would like to learn more about the mathematical underpinnings of the process. But because NeurOptimal® is so easy to learn, multiple staff or family members can be trainedvery quickly and easily.

Our goal is to give people the opportunity to optimize their brain function and to enjoy the long-lasting benefits of optimized information processing. With the use of NeurOptimal® “life” experiences improve and you will note that your resilience to stressors in your life will be greatly improved.

The NeurOptimal machine is hired out on a monthly basis and can be delivered anywhere in Australia. To try out NeurOptimal for yourself press the button below.